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Three points to consider before you commit to a PR Agency

#1: RESULTS IN PR AREN’T GUARANTEED. While I can definitely tell you about the successful placements or interviews that my clients have landed, I - nor any other publicist or agency - can guarantee the same results for you. Instead, I can tell you what to reasonably expect. We'll have objectives and measures of success to work towards that will ensure your PR results are directly contributing to your business objectives in some way. Magic happens when you collaborate on defining success and sharing metrics of success.

#2: NOT ALL PRESS IS MADE EQUAL.  Visibility will only make an impact if you show up in the right rooms. That’s why the best publicity focuses on quality over quantity and is vetted to ensure you’re hitting your target audience.

A national television interview could be wasted on a business only serving a small or remote community - that effort would be much better directed towards a local or more niche publication - to ensure your target audience are right there at the forefront. A small but engaged outlet is far more effective in these instances. No one size fits all.

#3: WE’RE A TEAM. Think of your publicist as an extension of your team. It may be easy to assume that you can simply send your PR consultant on their way to pitch on your behalf - but this approach won't result in KPIs being met. You get the best results when you're actively engaged in your PR efforts and working alongside your publicist to brainstorm new story angles, provide input on trending news topics, or provide feedback about how a specific interview went. Ensuring there is time carved out each month to discuss the month ahead and learnings from the month prior will help ensure you're working together and to the same page.

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